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ReConnect Bathurst:

Yvonne Morgan

Please be aware that this project includes the names and images of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have died. The family has given permission for these images, names and stories to be shared.

I came from Walgett. But I got attached to Bathurst, I liked it a real lot.

I like the Aboriginal community here. I love the place and never want to leave it. The community connection feels really strong. We’re there for each other.

A lot of the younger generation have got a lot of respect for the elderly in this community. 

And they listen. When we say stop, they listen.

Mitchell Library. State Library of NSW. Courtesy SEARCH Foundation.

I was close to my grandparents. They taught me a lot, taught me some of the lingo. They told me a lot about it.

They told us “don’t you ever, ever say the language in front of white people because they’ll take it off you.” 

We were told no to speak it — “never, ever.”

Mitchell Library. State Library of NSW. Courtesy SEARCH Foundation.

It was different when we were growing up.

We were never ever allowed to leave home. We would have to ask for permission to go anywhere like to go to a picture show or go for walks or swimming. 

We had to be home at a certain time.

If you didn’t you’d get a little smack.

We never ever done anything like the kids do today.

We had strict parents and we come from a little poor community.

I tell my kids “I’ve never grew up with a lot of things.”

Whatever you got in this world, treat your kids and treat them good you know.

Mitchell Library. State Library of NSW. Courtesy SEARCH Foundation.

Really when it comes to a loved one, you do what you got to do. I take them in and give them a feed and a bed. I’ve been caring for people all my life.

It seems like you’re a bit of a mother-hen.

I’ve been there for everybody. I think I’ve helped raise over twenty-something kids.

My best friend died last week. So we’ve been friends ever since primary school. We were stuck together. Her name was Deanna

We just loved going down to the river and to the movies. They had a big movies up in Walgett.

We always spend a lot of time together even at school. It was a shock. It’s sad you know. I’ll go back there for her funeral.

She’ll be remembered for a lot of good things. Having her kids and grandkids. She’ll be looking down over all of us now.

Have you found the process of growing old challenging?

Yep, it’s challenging. It makes you feel more grumpy because I was never like that. My mood has changed.

Oh my god you know, I don’t usually yell at kids but now I yell at kids when they don’t listen.

You know you get slower as you get older.

I had a heart attack and that. It slowed me right down.

I used to be active up and down over time and now I’m taking my time to do things.

Listen to Yvonne share her advice for the younger generations:

Mitchell Library. State Library of NSW. Courtesy SEARCH Foundation.

I’d tell the younger generation, I even said to my grandkids, when you grow up, get a job, do things, make sure you do good.

Make sure when you have kids, you can look after them. And look after yourself

Never, ever walk away and leave what you got.

Stick with it. 

No, don’t ever leave your kids.

This project is proudly funded through the State Government’s Local Government Social Cohesion Grant Program. ReConnect Bathurst is an And Then project delivered in partnership with Bathurst Regional Art Gallery.

Current: Yvonne Morgan

Next: Enn Muller

Uncle Bill Allen

Bev Cooney

Cheryl O’Brien

June Paton

Gus Gorton

Lonnie Edwards

Yvonne Morgan

Enn Muller

Jan Sheppard

Edgar Coello

Aunty Shirley Scott and Aunty Sandra Peckham

Mike Hardie

Frank Smith

Clive Brabham

Eddy Suttor




April – November 2022



Bathurst, NSW


We believe that stories matter and that stories like those shared here hold power and significance. 

The vision of the project is to use photo-storytelling and cultural preservation practices to develop social and creative connections and experiences with older people from the Bathurst area. This project celebrates the participants' lived experiences while encouraging dialogue around ageing, isolation and ageism. 

Social-arts projects like this are important as they transform public spaces and help to build a sense of community. It’s been wonderful to reimagine Pedrottas Lane in Bathurst and to create an online representation of the physical exhibition with a project made with the community, for the community.


We were honoured to be invited by Bathurst Regional Art Gallery to create and facilitate ReConnect Bathurst.

16 older people from the Bathurst area. Many of the participants were nominated by local community organisations while others serendipitously came to be a part of the project. We’d like to thank The Bathurst Aboriginal Land Council, The Wiradjuri and Community Aboriginal Elders, The Neighbourhood Center, Bathurst Business Chamber, The Woodies, Bathurst RSL Sub Branch and the Country Women’s Association.

With special thanks to Dinawan Dyirribang (Uncle Bill Allen), Bev Cooney, Cheryl O’Brien, June Paton, Gus Gorton, Lonnie Edwards, Yvonne Morgan, Enn Muller, Frank Smith, Jan Shepard, Edgar Coello, Aunty Shirley Scott, Aunty Sandra Peckham, Mike Hardie, Clive Brabham and Eddy Suttor.


Our stories are a wonderful connection point. It’s through sharing them with each other that we make space for conversations that can inspire, that can expand our understanding and in some cases, leave us changed.

During this project, we spent time with each person, we talked, reflected on old photographs, made images together and worked through various ways of co-authoring. Socially-engaged practice empowers participants to participate in the creation of their stories, allowing them to represent themselves in the way that they choose.

We often leave a camera with participants and invite them to engage in their own image-making. There’s something raw and revealing about the images made this way, about seeing the world through the participants' eyes.


Through their stories, we see facets of vast lives lived. We witness the snapshots and threads that when woven together create a rich tapestry. Our hope is that as stories wash over us we’re able to make space to contemplate connection and the beauty of community.

This project is proudly funded through the State Government’s Local Government Social Cohesion Grant Program. ReConnect Bathurst is an And Then project delivered in partnership with Bathurst Regional Art Gallery.


ReConnect Bathurst: Lonnie Edwards


ReConnect Bathurst: Enn Muller