Artist Statement



Red Bricks on Mascot Drive

Home isn’t one singular place, person or feeling; it is multiple places that are a symbol of my childhood, the relationships in which I find comfort and the moments of feeling content. 


Tugba Demir

The collection of images that showcase in and around my grandparent’s home, a place that I was born into and the family I grew up in, is only the start of everything I consider home. This was ultimately my reason for exploring this relationship with them and building that connection that wasn’t always there. I hope that these images work as a reminder to myself and others to slow down and appreciate the places and people we come from, we’re often caught up in trying to fit into new areas and new groups that we forget the simplicity and tranquillity that can come with spending time in places that remind of us of fond moments.

While capturing the neighbourhood and objects found in my grandparent’s home, I’ve discovered that I’m often experiencing anticipatory nostalgia or grief (the feeling of missing a moment before it has passed or grieving before the loss occurs) as redevelopment of the area is currently taking place and there are discussions of moving out of the apartment that has been in the family for years. These photos simultaneously work to keep these memories and to remember how things were once before. 


Connection to Western Sydney
Liverpool, Dharug Country