Artist Statement



Everything Sings

“ Multiple realities have existed and continue to co-exist in Western Sydney.”

— Sheila Ngoc Pham, 

Western Sydney is dead, long live Western Sydney!


Jeyne Wade

Fabricated in the corners of my neighbourhood, these images aim to make eternal the fleeting moments of mysticism and haunting present throughout the mundane here. I’m not sure these feelings could ever be bottled, nor if they truly are eternal. So much magic in this place has already been warped and changed, knocked down and built up with a fresh coat of paint. And yet, I still see it in so much.

Together our realities exist on top of each other, constantly in motion — singing to one another, contrasting and clashing. We imagine so many futures, and yet our future has been with us for so long. It has become the past. And now we live in a constant state of unreal, dreaming dreams for a peek outside. Or is it a manifestation of what we could become?

These images presuppose that beyond this visible world, there is an invisible world striving to manifest, and it is our job to uncover it, to keep it always within arms-reach.


Connection to Western Sydney
Fairfield, Dharug Country