Artist Statement



 Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem

My name is Ibrahim Intwari and I am a photographer, writer and creative director based in Auburn, NSW and I am passionate about capturing feelings through images.

I would describe home to be a place and feeling that is loving and welcomes you with open arms. While creating this body of work, I wanted to share how welcoming and peaceful it has been revisiting the mosque after a couple of years away. Despite feeling lost for a long time, I still felt welcomed back into the Masjid like I was returning home. A place I felt at peace. A place of solitude.

These images were captured at the Auburn Gallipoli Mosque on film.


Ibrahim Intwari

A place where 

I find peace 

and calmness.

I spoke my burdens 

out to you 

in ease, 

for you to listen 

without response.

A place I feel 


and safe.

From the call 

of the Adhan 

to the greeting 

from a fellow Muslim. 

From the recitation 

of the Quran 

to your forehead 

kissing the carpet 

during Sujud.

With hardship 

comes ease 

and I pray you 

get through 

what you are 

going through.



Connection to Western Sydney
Born, raised and living in Auburn, Dharug Country.